
June 14, 2021

Reforming Attorney Discipline

Testifying before the Maryland Court of Appeals, Judge Alan Wilner and Irwin Kramer debate the merits of proposals to reform the attorney disciplinary process. …

June 11, 2021

Can I Sue if My Car is Damaged by Road Conditions or Construction?

It’s no secret that the Los Angeles area’s heavily traversed roads are riddled with potholes and other irregularities. Many residents notice a decrease

June 8, 2021

Maintenance Error that Brought Down Navajo at Myrtle Beach Not Uncommon

In May, a Piper Navajo PA-31 crashed shortly after takeoff from Myrtle Beach.  The pilot was ATP-rated and worked for American Airlines.  He knew he was in trouble almost immediately after takeoff.  He tried to return to the airport.  He reached an altitude of about 1000 feet, then dropped 475

June 2, 2021

Palm Beach County Comprehensive Stroke Centers

If someone in your family suffers a stroke, your first reaction will be to get them to the best possible treatment center as quickly as possible. Your main priority should be to call EMS at the first sign of stroke and your second priority is ensuring your loved one is …

May 28, 2021

Boeing Slapped on the Wrist for Using Unapproved Parts in 759 Aircraft

Among the most dangerous  activities in the aviation industry is the installation on an aircraft of unapproved or bogus parts – parts that have not been properly tested, approved, and certified as safe.  The practice has been linked to the crash of both commercial and private aircraft.  It is illegal

May 26, 2021

Lawyers Assisting Medicare Beneficiaries, Heed These Words of Warning

Medicare is complex, to say the least. Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D all cover distinct but overlapping services. Meanwhile, Medicare eligibility is connected to Social Security Disability Income, and the Medicare Secondary Payer Act is a series of statutory provisions that would make even the most detail-oriented person’s head spin.

May 20, 2021

Buying Out of a Grievance

Q. My client has threatened me with a lawsuit and an ethics complaint unless I refund her legal fees. Should I pay her to release these claims? A. Although a refund may reduce …

May 10, 2021

737 Max Families Demand that FAA Chief Be Replaced

Families of those lost in the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max crash met with Biden’s Transportation Department seeking to get the top FAA official fired for being “too cozy” with Boeing. According to the families, “The FAA has been, and continues to be, more interested in protecting Boeing and the

May 10, 2021

Avoiding A Disruption To Practice

Bar Counsel wanted to suspend him. The Court wanted him to continue serving his community where “his pro bono legal service and his other volunteer efforts have been exceptional.” Issue: …

May 10, 2021

Water Safety Is Vital for the Sunshine State

As a law firm in the Sunshine State, water safety has become a hallmark of DCY’s commitment to our community. As trial attorneys, we have seen cases of catastrophic injuries in children and we know that the key to preventing tragedy is by prioritizing safety. We believe in fostering a …

May 5, 2021

Strokes and Stroke Centers – What You Need To Know

May is Stroke Awareness Month and for that reason, we remind you to familiarize yourself and your loved ones about this disease, which is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain becomes obstructed. If not quickly diagnosed and treated, …

May 3, 2021

Personal Injury Lawyers Have a Responsibility to Address the Financial Implications of a Client’s Settlement

When personal injury victims win a settlement, it can be life-changing. They have costly medical bills to contend with, as well as the fact that they often aren’t able to live or work the way they used to. To victims, settlements aren’t just money; they’re an assurance that the victim will have their needs met and will be able to get on with their lives as best they can.

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