
February 23, 2023

Will My Dog Get Put Down for Biting Someone?

Though it may not be the most common outcome, your dog CAN be put down for biting someone, and all dog owners must understand and possibly prepare for this if they ever find themselves in such a situation.  As much as we love them, dogs are still animals and can …

February 22, 2023

How to avoid hydroplaning in the rain

Hydroplaning, also known as aquaplaning, can be a pretty scary experience when driving in the rain. Losing traction and control of your vehicle, even when it’s temporary, can cause you to panic.  However, knowing how to avoid hydroplaning or even regaining control of your vehicle is critical for your own …

February 22, 2023

Most returned holiday gifts

Most holiday gifts that are returned aren’t considered dangerous. For example, makeup that isn’t your preferred shade probably won’t hurt you. But there are other gifts, ones that were purchased with innocent intent, that could be defective and could cause significant harm. If you were injured by a defective gift, …

February 22, 2023

Most returned holiday gifts

Most holiday gifts that are returned aren’t considered dangerous. For example, makeup that isn’t your preferred shade probably won’t hurt you. But there are other gifts, ones that were purchased with innocent intent, that could be defective and could cause significant harm. If you were injured by a defective gift, …

February 22, 2023

Most returned holiday gifts

Most holiday gifts that are returned aren’t considered dangerous. For example, makeup that isn’t your preferred shade probably won’t hurt you. But there are other gifts, ones that were purchased with innocent intent, that could be defective and could cause significant harm. If you were injured by a defective gift, …

February 22, 2023

What is Spinal Shock Syndrome?

Any injury to the spinal cord can have devastating consequences on the body’s functionality, leading to a range of conditions, including spinal shock syndrome. This rare but serious condition can occur after a spinal cord injury or accident, causing temporary loss of motor and sensory functions below the injury site.  …

February 22, 2023

Recalled Goodyear Tires: Advice From Orlando Lawyers

Did you know that tires are among the most frequently recalled of all car components? When a mass-produced product like a car tire is faulty, there’s no alternative. A faulty tire can easily spell disaster and even death if the […] …

February 22, 2023

Who Is Liable When a Person Is Hit by a Car in Front of a Store?

By: Attorney Chris Strohbehn While people are aware that many car accidents occur every day, one type of accident that people may not realize is common involves vehicles crashing into buildings. These are known as storefront crashes, and they occur when drivers lose control of their vehicles and collide with

February 22, 2023

Tire Tread Separation in Orlando: When to Consult a Lawyer

Around 33,000 car accidents occur every year due to tire-related reasons. One of the most dangerous causes of those accidents is tied to tire tread separation, which can lead to a catastrophic blowout. When a defective product leads to injury or worse, […] …

February 22, 2023

How Can Employers Avoid Accusations of Wrongful Termination?

By: Attorney Jaclyn Kallie Wrongful termination is a serious accusation that can have potentially devastating consequences for employers. If a former employee or an outside agency believes that an employee has been wrongfully terminated, the employer can face an investigation, fines, and other penalties. It is important for employers to

February 22, 2023

Bangor Maine Man Dies In Crash On Tara Blvd In Bradenton Tuesday

Manatee County – Florida Highway Patrol has announced that one person has died in an car accident in Bradenton Tuesday Afternoon. According to the report by FHP, the fatal crash began as a sedan, driven by a 42-year-old man from Bangor Maine, was driving south on Tara Boulevard when he

February 22, 2023

4 Tips for Hiring a Lawyer Following a Sarasota Trucking Accident

An accident involving a large truck in Sarasota has its own set of problems. These claims are often more extensive because large truck accidents result in more serious injuries and significant damages. According to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in 2020, there were: •

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