
December 27, 2022

Patients may need to take steps to optimize time with harried doctors

In recent times, one of the issues most complained about by patients comes down to this: Why does my doctor zip through my office visit and fail to give me the attention I need and deserve? To be sure, doctors these days struggle ever more with “efficiency” pushes in medicine …

December 26, 2022

Congress races to snowy holiday exit, spending $1.7 trillion on the way out

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in the days ahead to more episodic publishing. Members of Congress raced at the year’s end to avoid the consequences of a brutal snowstorm battering huge swaths of the country. Before hitting the holiday exits, lawmakers approved a whopping $1.7 trillion bill to fund …

December 26, 2022

Congress races to snowy holiday exit, spending $1.7 trillion on the way out

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in the days ahead to more episodic publishing. Members of Congress raced at the year’s end to avoid the consequences of a brutal snowstorm battering huge swaths of the country. Before hitting the holiday exits, lawmakers approved a whopping $1.7 trillion bill to fund …

December 23, 2022

When Robot Doctors Injure, Who is to Blame?

Robot doctors may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but they are starting to show up in real-life hospitals. Concerns about the shortage of medical professionals and the need to protect them from exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic probably speeded the trend. Regardless of the reasons hospitals are …

December 23, 2022

Half of those hurt or killed in crashes used drugs or alcohol

As federal, state, and local officials seek to slash the nation’s spiking road toll of injury and death, law enforcement authorities need to crack down on the scary prevalence of motorists who get behind the wheel while intoxicated by marijuana or alcohol. Indeed, as NPR reported: “A large study by …

December 23, 2022

Half of those hurt or killed in crashes used drugs or alcohol

As federal, state, and local officials seek to slash the nation’s spiking road toll of injury and death, law enforcement authorities need to crack down on the scary prevalence of motorists who get behind the wheel while intoxicated by marijuana or alcohol. Indeed, as NPR reported: “A large study by …

December 23, 2022

‘Tis the Season …

Q. My tech client had a huge gift basket delivered to me, with an envelope containing first class tickets for a golf trip to Scotland. May I accept these? A. …

December 22, 2022

Landing a Job as a Personal Injury Lawyer: Tips from Law Professionals

The legal profession is a highly regarded career, and one that can be incredibly rewarding. Choosing your specialization in law is a big step and will help map out the rest of your career as a lawyer. When stepping into the world as a personal injury lawyer, you’ll become an important …

December 22, 2022

High court lets stand California ban on flavored tobacco products

Californians have accomplished something that federal regulators have failed to — despite long, difficult campaigning. Voters in the biggest state in the nation not only have banned Big Tobacco from peddling its flavored products that target and exploit communities of color and the young. They also have defeated the industry …

December 22, 2022

High court lets stand California ban on flavored tobacco products

Californians have accomplished something that federal regulators have failed to — despite long, difficult campaigning. Voters in the biggest state in the nation not only have banned Big Tobacco from peddling its flavored products that target and exploit communities of color and the young. They also have defeated the industry …

December 20, 2022

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

If you’re hurt in a slip and fall accident, you may feel overwhelmed by your injuries and medical bills. If you cannot work it’s common to feel anxious about losing income. If you feel this way, you are not alone. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, over one …

December 20, 2022

In hospitals’ struggles with staffing crises, lessons on reaping and sowing

Big hospitals and hospital chains have wailed, with considerable justification, since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic about financial damages they have suffered due to costly shortages of desperately needed health staff. But the institutions fostered this staffing crisis, with profit-ravenous suits in executive suites boosting hospital bottom lines in …

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