
January 3, 2023

Personal Injury Trucking Case Settlement

The Haggard Law Firm’s Pedro Echarte, along with co-counsel Mark Stuckey of Kaufman Law obtained a policy limit settlement of more than $980,000 in a trucking personal injury case.  Trial Lawyer Attorney Pedro Echarte The Plaintiff, Glenn Pilzon, was a long-haul trucker based in Georgia. The Defendants, Four …

January 2, 2023

All About the 2022 Goodyear Tire Recall for RVs

Did you know that more than 173,000 RV tires have been recalled by the Goodyear brand as of 2022? If you are the owner of an RV and you have Goodyear tires, you might be wondering if this may be a […] …

January 2, 2023

Pausing, Processing And Persuasion

I was reading an academic article about persuasion science. I paused when I got to the end of a sentence. I wasn’t sure I understood it. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I was sure I hadn’t understood it. (Academic articles are frequently laced with jargon that the authors assume the readers understand. The sentences tend to be long and are packed with information.) I went back and read it again – this time more slowly. Then, I paused again. I understood it better than the first time I had read it, but still needed a little time to think about the subject. This is how most people process what they read. Students who don’t stop to think about what they have just read will likely do poorly on examinations because the ability to remember is closely linked to whether they understood and processed the information. Jurors listening to lawyers and witnesses don’t have the ability to press a pause button so they can think about what they just heard. This blog discusses how lawyers can present information so that jurors will be more likely to remember and be persuaded.

January 2, 2023

Why Roads Are Becoming More Dangerous for Pedestrians | Lawyer Explains

As traffic increases all over the country, pedestrian-friendly roads now seem few and far between. Many communities have increased efforts to accommodate pedestrians, but safety during your stroll is still a concern. Pedestrian accidents are still common, so if you or a loved one are unfortunately struck by a vehicle, you …

January 2, 2023

New Year’s Resolutions

Q. Like everything else, I’m behind in formulating my New Year’s resolutions. Aside from getting my booster shot, what should I resolve to do in the year ahead? A. After …

January 2, 2023

Pausing, Processing And Persuasion

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December 30, 2022

Understanding Telehealth and the Risks of Medical Malpractice

Telehealth practices can be tremendously helpful for patients who live in remote areas far from doctors. Telehealth can also protect healthcare providers and patients from exposure to infectious diseases. But telehealth benefits are probably outweighed by risks in many situations. Patients need to understand the risks and potential problems …

December 30, 2022

Getting and keeping your own medical records: It’s a boon to better health

A laptop and a cardboard box. These two items could be major tools in improving regular folks’ health throughout this year — and beyond — if they get launched on important tasks, pronto. What needs to happen is for patients to be hyperconscious, persistent, and skeptical enough to start gathering …

December 30, 2022

Getting and keeping your own medical records: It’s a boon to better health

A laptop and a cardboard box. These two items could be major tools in improving regular folks’ health throughout this year — and beyond — if they get launched on important tasks, pronto. What needs to happen is for patients to be hyperconscious, persistent, and skeptical enough to start gathering …

December 28, 2022

For seniors, big changes coming with federal health coverage plans

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in ’23 to more episodic publication. Just a reminder: 2023 will begin what could be consequential changes in aspects of older Americans, notably those age 65-plus and covered by Medicare. As part of law of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats in the …

December 28, 2022

For seniors, big changes coming with federal health coverage plans

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in ’23 to more episodic publication. Just a reminder: 2023 will begin what could be consequential changes in aspects of older Americans, notably those age 65-plus and covered by Medicare. As part of law of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats in the …

December 27, 2022

Patients may need to take steps to optimize time with harried doctors

In recent times, one of the issues most complained about by patients comes down to this: Why does my doctor zip through my office visit and fail to give me the attention I need and deserve? To be sure, doctors these days struggle ever more with “efficiency” pushes in medicine …

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