TLV Guest Blog

April 29, 2022

Natalia Bialkowska, NB Law Firm

Law has always been my dream job. I am one of those people who knew what she wanted to do since super early …

April 29, 2022

Lenny Rodriguez, Esq

My story stems from the mean streets of NYC, growing up in the height of the crack era epidemic (1980’s). The only way out …

April 28, 2022

Translating The Science

Academic psychologists have been unlocking the mysteries of how people accept or reject persuasion and arrive at decisions. But, like lawyers and their legalese, social scientists often use a dizzying array of overly-complicated descriptions. The concepts and discoveries are important, but often explained in what might be described as speaking in tongues. Here is an example (and please read to the end):

April 27, 2022

Practice Management Software

I’m one of those legal dinosaurs that still keeps handwritten ledgers. Are there specific programs I should use? A. Yes. And there are lots of excellent programs to choose from.Just run a search of …

April 25, 2022

Tatevik Gasparyan, Esq.

Many of us have childhood dreams which end up being just that, dreams. Life takes us on unexpected turns and what was once a dream becomes a distant memory. …

April 23, 2022

Translating The Science

April 15, 2022

Adriana Leal

I come from a humble family, where my only chance to improve in life would be through studies. I went through 5 different phases: Military of the Brazilian …

April 1, 2022

April Fool’s for Lawyers

Q. To help me celebrate April Fool’s Day, the local sheriff will have my law partner detained as he walks into court today. When he asks why, the sheriff will say he’s being arrested for the prank he pulled on me last year. Pretty hilarious, huh? …

March 28, 2022

The Power of Diversification (Daniel Steinberg)

When you think about diversification, you typically think about the process of allocating assets or capital as a way to reduce exposure to any one particular asset or risk. This …

March 18, 2022

What Happens if a Car Accident Police Report is Wrong?

One of the items you try to get after an accident is a copy of the police report. The report gives your legal team a good starting place for their accident investigation. But what happens if a car accident police report is wrong? Police officers can only use the information …

March 18, 2022

What Happens if a Car Accident Police Report is Wrong?

One of the items you try to get after an accident is a copy of the police report. The report gives your legal team a good starting place for their accident investigation. But what happens if a car accident police report is wrong? Police officers can only use the information …

March 16, 2022

Can I Sue for a Concussion?

Whether you were injured in a car crash, slip and fall, or sports accident, sustaining a concussion or serious head trauma can be a frightening experience. It can mean large medical bills, time off work, and other cognitive problems like loss of memory and speech impediments. So you may be …

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