
August 5, 2021

The Ethics of Intimidation

Q. Representing a large manufacturer, I sent a demand letter threatening to sue its competitor and promising a nasty discovery process that would be the “legal equivalent of a proctology exam.” Did I go too far? …

August 4, 2021

Whatā€™s the Difference Between a Pooled Trust and a Standalone Special Needs Trust?

A Special Needs Trust is a trust that can be created pursuant to federal law whose corpus or any assets held in the trust do not count as resources for purposes of qualifying for Medicaid or SSI. These trusts are an indispensable planning tool for making sure your clients remain eligible for means-based benefits like Medicaid after receiving a settlement. But there are several types of special needs trusts, including a standalone (d)(4)(A) Special Needs Trust, and a (d)(4)(C) trust, commonly known as a pooled trust. Whatā€™s the difference, and whatā€™s right for your client?

July 30, 2021

Bombardier Challenger N605TR Crash at Truckee-Tahoe Airport: Looks Like Base-to-final Stall/Spin

Few turns in aviation are as dangerous as the ā€œbase-to-finalā€ turn.Ā  Thatā€™s the last turn the pilot executes to line up with the runway. When that final turn is made, the aircraft is always low and slow. If the pilot tightens the turn too much, the aircraft can stall

July 2, 2021

2021 Florida Trendā€™s Florida Legal Eliteā„¢

Trial Lawyer View host, Jason D. Lazarus, Esq., Orlando, FL, Amazon best-selling author of “The Art of Settlement” and nationally recognized settlement compliance expert, was recently recognized in the 2021 edition of Florida Trendā€™s Florida Legal Eliteā„¢. The list of 1,263 honorees represents just over 1% of the active Florida Bar members, including attorneys in private practice as well as top government and non-profit attorneys who practice in Florida.

July 1, 2021

7 Ways Structured Settlements Protect Personal Injury Victims

Structured settlements utilizing life insurance annuities as their funding mechanism have been around for four decades. Over half a million injury victims receive benefits from structured settlement annuities. Each year, life insurance companies that provide structured settlements receive more than $6 billion to fund new structured settlement arrangements and an estimated $156 billion has been paid in total to fund structured settlements in force since the seventies.

Structured settlements are commonly utilized in the settlement of tort claims because of these seven crucial advantages they offer personal injury victims.

June 30, 2021

Jason D. Lazarus on Grow Your Law Firm Podcast

Jason D. Lazarus was recently featured on Grow Your Law Firm podcast with Ken Hardison of PILMMA.

June 29, 2021

What is a MIST Claim?

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “BlogPosting”, “mainEntityOfPage”: { “@type”: “WebPage”, “@id”: “” }, “headline”: “What is a MIST Claim?”, “description”: “You are hurt

June 24, 2021

Mile High Profits

Q. I regularly fly to depositions for a client that pays for my time in transit. If I work on another client’s case during the flight, may I bill that time as well? A. Before researching this …

June 24, 2021

What is a 998 Offer to Settle?

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “BlogPosting”, “mainEntityOfPage”: { “@type”: “WebPage”, “@id”: “” }, “headline”: “What is a 998 Offer to Settle?”, “description”: “In

June 18, 2021

Electric Scooter Laws Explained

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “BlogPosting”, “mainEntityOfPage”: { “@type”: “WebPage”, “@id”: “” }, “headline”: “Electric Scooter Laws Explained”, “description”: “Electric scooters have been

June 17, 2021

Cirrus SR20 Crash at Truckee Airport: High Density Altitude to Blame?

At first glance, this weekā€™s crash of Cirrus N89423 at Truckee looks like yet another ā€œhigh density altitudeā€ accident. Ā Such accidents are, after all, perhaps the most common type of accident at Truckee airport.Ā  Due to the thin air, the aircraft cannot climb fast enough to clear rising terrain or

June 16, 2021

Fee Splitting

Q. I’ve always heard that referral fees are forbidden. But I know lawyers who routinely refer cases for a share of the profit, even if they’re not licensed where the cases are pending. Isn’t this unethical? …

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