
May 31, 2022

Caring for Our Colleagues

Q. In a profession with a higher incidence of mental illness and addiction than society at large, are we doing enough to care for our colleagues? A. Like lawyers themselves, our profession places a low priority on wellness …

May 27, 2022

Removing Retainers

Q. If I don’t take retainers, I won’t need a trust account at all. Can’t I avoid this whole problem by billing for my work after it’s completed? A. You can—if you wish to trade one problem for a more …

May 24, 2022

Driver Fatigue Car Accidents

Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle while fatigued can have many consequences, from drifting out of your lane to resulting in a deadly crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that driver fatigue is responsible for about 70,000 crashes, 40,000 injuries and 800 deaths every year. Driver fatigue is typically …

May 24, 2022

Used Cars Sold Without Airbags

As a higher percentage of cars on the road contain airbags, a growing problem is the sale of vehicles without disclosing that their airbags are missing. One study estimates that about 40,000 cars are returned to the road each year without airbags. There are cases in which consumers keep a …

May 23, 2022

Leveling the Playing Field

Q. I read that Maryland’s Bar Counsel tried to deprive accused lawyers of an equal right to discovery in disciplinary cases. Whatever happened to fundamental fairness? A. “Fundamental fairness” is a work in progress — progress that may only be achieved through vigilance in asserting the …

May 16, 2022

What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us

There are “the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns” which is how former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld described some things we know that we don’t know, and other things that we don’t know that we don’t know.  In the general public, there are people who enjoy the challenge of learning new things, and others whose brains resist having to do the mental work of learning. It might be compared to those who engage in physical exercise, and those who are couch potatoes. Jurors who do not relish the work of learning will resort to so-called “common sense” which Einstein characterized as “nothing more than a deposit of prejudices.” Prejudice, in this sense, is to resort to that which is believed to be true, rather than arriving at the truth after thoughtful analysis. In other words, to pre-judge. These jurors do not know what they don’t know, and are typically not inclined to change their pre-judgments, even when skilled trial lawyers are trying mightily to educate them.

April 29, 2022

Natalia Bialkowska, NB Law Firm

Law has always been my dream job. I am one of those people who knew what she wanted to do since super early …

April 29, 2022

Lenny Rodriguez, Esq

My story stems from the mean streets of NYC, growing up in the height of the crack era epidemic (1980’s). The only way out …

April 28, 2022

Translating The Science

Academic psychologists have been unlocking the mysteries of how people accept or reject persuasion and arrive at decisions. But, like lawyers and their legalese, social scientists often use a dizzying array of overly-complicated descriptions. The concepts and discoveries are important, but often explained in what might be described as speaking in tongues. Here is an example (and please read to the end):

April 27, 2022

Practice Management Software

I’m one of those legal dinosaurs that still keeps handwritten ledgers. Are there specific programs I should use? A. Yes. And there are lots of excellent programs to choose from.Just run a search of …

April 25, 2022

Tatevik Gasparyan, Esq.

Many of us have childhood dreams which end up being just that, dreams. Life takes us on unexpected turns and what was once a dream becomes a distant memory. …

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