
September 28, 2022

Standard Contract

September 26, 2022

$1 Million Policy Limit Settlement in Bar/Liquor Liability Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Pedro Echarte and co-counsel Michael Carmona of Friedland Carmona obtained a $1 Million policy limit settlement in a Miami-Dade County Bar/Liquor Liability Case or “dram shop” case (Florida Statutes § 768.125). On August 10, 2020, Charilyn Martica Rodriguez went to work at Sandbar Sports Grill in Culter Bay, Florida. Like many prior …

September 21, 2022

443-RESULTS: Warnken, LLC

Warnken, LLC has just announced an easy to remember phone number … 443-RESULTS! It’s not just a phone number to us.  Our mission is results and communication.  Clients deserve to know what’s going on and clients deserve the best possible results. Delivering on the mission is a big part …

September 12, 2022

Courting Public Opinion

Q. My client has just been indicted on 13 counts of fraud and every reporter in town has called me for comment. Should I call them back?  A. Before fielding their questions, ask yourself whether silence is “golden” …

August 29, 2022

July 2022 – Last Month’s Results: Warnken, LLC Recovered $2,098,515.36 for 39 Injured Clients

We Don’t Stop! Warnken, LLC recovered nearly $2.1 million dollars for our clients last month. Of the 39, six cases resulted in recoveries to the injured client in excess of $100,000. Please remember, when considering your personal injury, workers’ compensation, or car crash case – no two matters are …

August 24, 2022

The Big Warnken $100,000 Giveaway

If the Ravens win the SuperBowl, Warnken, LLC is giving away $100,000 to whomever is entered.  To enter, follow @warnkenlaw on Instagram, or send a postcard to our office!! (We’re also giving five people $1000 each is the Ravens make the playoffs!). NO PURCHASE NECESSARY – See full terms and …

August 19, 2022

How Car Seat Deficiencies Contribute to Traumatic Brain Injuries

Between 64 million and 74 million people each year suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a quarter of which are caused by motor vehicle accidents (Lyons). These injuries change the lives of victims and their families forever. TBIs not only require significant treatment at the time of injury but …

August 19, 2022

How Car Seat Deficiencies Contribute to Traumatic Brain Injuries

Between 64 million and 74 million people each year suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a quarter of which are caused by motor vehicle accidents (Lyons). These injuries change the lives of victims and their families forever. TBIs not only require significant treatment at the time of injury but …

August 19, 2022

How Car Seat Deficiencies Contribute to Traumatic Brain Injuries

Between 64 million and 74 million people each year suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a quarter of which are caused by motor vehicle accidents (Lyons). These injuries change the lives of victims and their families forever. TBIs not only require significant treatment at the time of injury but …

August 17, 2022

The Dangers of Paraquat Tongue

The condition referred to as “Paraquat tongue” is a lesser-known side-effect that can occur as a result of exposure to the chemical Paraquat dichloride, often used as a weedkiller. Research over time has revealed that Paraquat can cause significant and highly negative side effects to the human body.  The most …

August 17, 2022

The Dangers of Paraquat Tongue

The condition referred to as “Paraquat tongue” is a lesser-known side-effect that can occur as a result of exposure to the chemical Paraquat dichloride, often used as a weedkiller. Research over time has revealed that Paraquat can cause significant and highly negative side effects to the human body.  The most …

August 15, 2022

What to Do if You Witness a Car Crash

After witnessing a car accident, your observations could prove vital in helping the injured person obtain compensation. Accidents happen every day, and you never know how your testimony may help someone who needs it. Continue reading to learn the proper steps to take if you witness a car accident, as …

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