
November 29, 2022

A Pro Bono Matter with a #Giving Tuesday Opportunity

This Saturday, Michael Politte told @48Hours about the horrifying day in December 1998 when he found his mother dead and on fire on her bedroom floor – a crime he was wrongfully convicted for, spending over 20 years in a #Missouri prison. Instead of treating Mike like a terrified, …

November 28, 2022

Former Fitness Influencer Sued for Giving Bad Health Advice

Many people seek out the help of healthcare professionals or certified fitness coaches when they need assistance improving their health or addressing medical issues. Individuals giving health or fitness advice should be qualified to do so because Individuals seeking out fitness and health care advice often rely on the …

November 27, 2022

How Difficult is it to Sue a Nursing Home? Experienced Trial Lawyer Explains

When your client’s loved one moved into a nursing home, they trusted that their family member would be taken care of during their time there. Your client brings this case to you, in hopes that you will help them fight for their loved one who can’t fight for themselves.  Suing …

November 25, 2022

3 Reasons Why You Might Need a Class Action Attorney

Has anyone ever told you that class action lawsuits aren’t worth it? Next time you hear that, bring up the recent class action lawsuit that resulted in a $26 billion settlement. If you’ve suffered damages and these damages have affected […] …

November 24, 2022

Umbrella Insurance and Why You Need It

An umbrella policy generally provides insurance coverage above and beyond your primary, underlying policies. Umbrella policies may provide coverage in the event you injure someone else but they can also be available to you in the event someone very seriously injures you.  One of the things we see most in …

November 21, 2022

How to Become a Great Lawyer For 2023

Our trial lawyers strive to be better each day, honing our skills to ensure our valued clients receive maximum compensation for their injuries. Because we know that your team shares this commitment to clients, Turnbull, Holcomb & LeMoine, PC has provided some helpful tips for becoming an even better lawyer …

November 21, 2022

Giving Thanks

Q. We are thankful for the many satisfied clients who have recommended us to their friends, coworkers and relatives. To encourage more referrals, may we send them tokens of our appreciation? …

November 18, 2022

$1 Million Policy Limit Settlement in Case Involving Sexual Assault of a Minor

The Haggard Law Firm’s Pedro Echarte has obtained a $1 Million policy limit settlement in a case involving the sexual assault of a minor at an Orange County, Florida daycare. The parties, insurance carriers, defense counsel, date of loss, and school where the incident occurred are confidential. Echarte …

November 13, 2022

Wisconsin DOT Resources and REAL ID

When you handle personal injury cases like our attorneys do, you spend a lot of time thinking about the rules of the road. But it’s also important to know where to look when you’re trying to figure out how to navigate safety on the roadways, from everything to renewing …

November 7, 2022

Despite Little Prior Crime, $1.8 Million Settlement Reached in Negligent Security Case.

The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels has obtained a confidential $1.8 Million settlement in a negligent security wrongful death case. The Haggard Law Firm’s client, John Doe Jr, was shot and killed while standing in line to enter a pop-up nightclub located within a banquet hall. He was survived …

November 3, 2022

35 Million More Shares in PG&E Stock Sold – What This Means for Fire Victims

On October 31, 2022, the Fire Victim’s Trust announced an additional sale of 35 million shares in PG&E stock at $15.25 per share to provide compensation for victims of the 2015 Butte, 2017 North Bay, and 2018 Camp Fire. This news comes shortly after the Fire Victim’s Trust sold 35

October 31, 2022

September 2022 – Last month’s Results: Warnken, LLC Recovered $11,352,323.54 for 48 Injured Clients

Warnken, LLC concluded forty-five cases in September 2022. No two cases are ever the same.  Please don’t think your case will necessarily produce the same recovery.  Some case details have been withheld because of confidentiality agreements.  Some cases were handled with co-counsel. Please seek an attorney for your medical …

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