
April 15, 2023

How to File a Car Accident Claim in Florida: A Step-by-Step Guide

The process one faces after a car accident can be daunting. It will typically begin with you receiving telephone calls from insurance adjusters almost immediately and can only become more confusing if you do not have experienced representation. Knowing what to expect from the process, however, can help to …

April 14, 2023

The Basics of Hiring a Product Defects Lawyer in Orlando

In 2021 alone, an estimated 11.7 million people were treated in an emergency department due to injuries from consumer products. Consumers deserve to feel safe when they buy and use products as intended. However, certain defects can cause injury or […] …

April 13, 2023

A Brief Knowledge about Wrongful Death: What is it in Personal Injury Law?

Wrongful death is a legal term used to describe situations in which someone dies due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act. Wrongful death claims can arise from various accidents such as car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace incidents, and more. In a wrongful death case, the deceased person’s surviving family …

April 13, 2023

$26 Million Settlement Secured in Georgia Wrongful Death Shooting Case

A young mother and her unborn child were killed by stray bullets at her Georgia apartment complex after its owners and managers failed to address known, violent activity. ATLANTA (April 11, 2023) – Beasley Allen and co-counsel secured a $26 million settlement in a deadly Georgia apartment complex shooting …

April 13, 2023

Understanding Attorney Advertising Rules in New York

Advertising is an excellent way to introduce your firm to prospective clients. But advertising isn’t just about unique law firm branding, snappy copy, or understanding paid ads on Google or social media. Each of these elements might show up in your law firm ads, but they’re still governed by …

April 13, 2023

Crafting a Successful Law Firm Social Media Policy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Having a strong social media policy at your law firm clears the way for you to use social media with confidence. With a strong online presence, you can connect with potential clients and grow your law firm. But without a social media policy, you may put your law firm’s …

April 13, 2023

Top Law Matter Management Software in 2023: Streamline Your Legal Practice

Staying organized and finding the information you need helps you work more effectively in your law firm. Too many lawyers lose valuable hours they could spend on billable work. One solution to that challenge is to choose the right legal technology to manage your law firm. Legal matter management …

April 13, 2023

Romano Law Group adds seasoned attorneys Caroline Zapiec and Aaron Clemens

We are proud to announce the addition of two associate attorneys to our team. Caroline Zapiec and Aaron Clemens will work alongside the Romano Law Group team of 9 attorneys and numerous support staff. “It’s a win for us when we get the opportunity to add well-rounded and seasoned attorneys …

April 12, 2023

Gov. Tony Evers Extends Record for Number of Pardons Granted in Wisconsin

By: Attorney Jorge Fragoso Many people believe that the criminal justice system in the United States is broken. People are often tried and convicted of crimes and subject to harsh sentences, even for low-level crimes such as drug possession or theft. Criminal arrests and convictions can have significant effects on …

April 12, 2023

When Can a Person Be Charged With Homicide in Wisconsin?

  By: Attorney Jorge Fragoso Accusations of any type of criminal charges can be troubling, and those who have been arrested and charged with crimes may be unsure about their options for defense. However, charges of homicide, murder, manslaughter, or related offenses can be especially serious, and being accused of these …

April 12, 2023

Dealing With a Tread Separation on Tire Lawsuit in Orlando: What You Need to Know

About 33,000 auto accidents every year due to faulty tires, resulting in approximately 19,000 injuries. Tread separation on a tire is a major contributor to these. Sadly, many of these incidents are due to negligence or neglect on the part of the […] …

April 12, 2023

Five Things NOT to do After a Car Crash

Car accidents can be very stressful, and one may find it difficult to determine what actions to avoid in the moments following a crash, as anything said or done may affect a future claim. While there are dozens of actions you should avoid taking after a collision, here are five …

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