
January 2, 2023

New Year’s Resolutions

Q. Like everything else, I’m behind in formulating my New Year’s resolutions. Aside from getting my booster shot, what should I resolve to do in the year ahead? A. After …

January 2, 2023

Pausing, Processing And Persuasion

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December 30, 2022

Understanding Telehealth and the Risks of Medical Malpractice

Telehealth practices can be tremendously helpful for patients who live in remote areas far from doctors. Telehealth can also protect healthcare providers and patients from exposure to infectious diseases. But telehealth benefits are probably outweighed by risks in many situations. Patients need to understand the risks and potential problems …

December 30, 2022

Getting and keeping your own medical records: It’s a boon to better health

A laptop and a cardboard box. These two items could be major tools in improving regular folks’ health throughout this year — and beyond — if they get launched on important tasks, pronto. What needs to happen is for patients to be hyperconscious, persistent, and skeptical enough to start gathering …

December 30, 2022

Getting and keeping your own medical records: It’s a boon to better health

A laptop and a cardboard box. These two items could be major tools in improving regular folks’ health throughout this year — and beyond — if they get launched on important tasks, pronto. What needs to happen is for patients to be hyperconscious, persistent, and skeptical enough to start gathering …

December 28, 2022

For seniors, big changes coming with federal health coverage plans

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in ’23 to more episodic publication. Just a reminder: 2023 will begin what could be consequential changes in aspects of older Americans, notably those age 65-plus and covered by Medicare. As part of law of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats in the …

December 28, 2022

For seniors, big changes coming with federal health coverage plans

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in ’23 to more episodic publication. Just a reminder: 2023 will begin what could be consequential changes in aspects of older Americans, notably those age 65-plus and covered by Medicare. As part of law of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats in the …

December 27, 2022

Patients may need to take steps to optimize time with harried doctors

In recent times, one of the issues most complained about by patients comes down to this: Why does my doctor zip through my office visit and fail to give me the attention I need and deserve? To be sure, doctors these days struggle ever more with “efficiency” pushes in medicine …

December 27, 2022

Patients may need to take steps to optimize time with harried doctors

In recent times, one of the issues most complained about by patients comes down to this: Why does my doctor zip through my office visit and fail to give me the attention I need and deserve? To be sure, doctors these days struggle ever more with “efficiency” pushes in medicine …

December 26, 2022

Congress races to snowy holiday exit, spending $1.7 trillion on the way out

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in the days ahead to more episodic publishing. Members of Congress raced at the year’s end to avoid the consequences of a brutal snowstorm battering huge swaths of the country. Before hitting the holiday exits, lawmakers approved a whopping $1.7 trillion bill to fund …

December 26, 2022

Congress races to snowy holiday exit, spending $1.7 trillion on the way out

Editor’s note: The blog will shift in the days ahead to more episodic publishing. Members of Congress raced at the year’s end to avoid the consequences of a brutal snowstorm battering huge swaths of the country. Before hitting the holiday exits, lawmakers approved a whopping $1.7 trillion bill to fund …

December 23, 2022

When Robot Doctors Injure, Who is to Blame?

Robot doctors may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but they are starting to show up in real-life hospitals. Concerns about the shortage of medical professionals and the need to protect them from exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic probably speeded the trend. Regardless of the reasons hospitals are …

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