March 18, 2024

Auto, Trucking and Bus Accidents

Auto, Trucking and Bus Accidents

Automobile, truck, and bus accidents happen every day. But when they happen to you, or to someone you love or care about, they can change lives – often dramatically. Car accidents are often far more complicated than simply figuring who hit whom and who is at fault. These cases involve many issues, including insurance coverage, medical expenses (often called PIP coverage), wage loss issues and uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage. We also work with your doctors to keep your case moving smoothly, and to be certain that you receive compensation for all of your injuries, including pain and suffering, wage losses, property damages and other claims. That is why, if you, a loved one or a friend has been injured in an auto, bus, or truck accident, you need representation.


At Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa , we know that representing clients who have been injured in a motor vehicle accidents requires many skills and that the issues may be complex, yet we make sure that our clients, and their family and friends, understand everything that happens. Representing car, bus and truck accident victims requires a team of aggressive investigators and lawyers, all devoting their maximum effort to their clients. Our Florida personal injury attorneys have represented persons injured in motor vehicle accidents for many years.


When you need a Florida personal injury attorney to represent you, a family member or friend who has been injured in a car, truck, bus, subway, trolley or other motor vehicle accident, contact Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa. We represent every client zealously in order to obtain the best results possible in each case. To arrange a consultation, please give us a call at 1-800- 681-8882, or visit our website at

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