July 26, 2024

When Can Multiple OWI Convictions Lead to Felony Charges?

Milwaukee, OWI defense attorneyDrunk driving is known to be dangerous. The effects of alcohol or drugs on a person’s body and mind can make it difficult or impossible to drive safely. Because of the risks of accidents that can result in serious injuries to multiple people, people who are caught driving while intoxicated face criminal charges.

Operating while intoxicated (OWI) is a serious offense in Wisconsin, particularly for repeat offenders. A person who has been arrested for drunk driving multiple times could face severe penalties, including felony charges. An experienced attorney can provide legal help for people facing felony OWI charges while working to ensure that a person accused of drunk driving will be able to resolve their case favorably.

When Does OWI Become a Felony in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, OWI charges escalate in severity with each subsequent conviction. While first, second, and third OWI offenses are generally treated as misdemeanors, a fourth OWI and any additional drunk driving arrests will result in felony charges. The specific penalties for multiple OWI convictions include:

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