May 1, 2023

What should I do if the trucking company contacts me after the accident?

The aftermath of a truck accident can be a devastating, confusing time – especially if you’ve suffered a severe injury. Unfortunately, that won’t stop the semi truck’s insurance company from trying to get in touch with you. Their adjuster might act like your friend, but they’ll actually be the opposite. They’ll try to trick you into making a mistake that will damage your chances of obtaining maximum compensation.

A St. Louis truck accident lawyer with Langdon & Emison won’t let this happen to you. We’ll shield you from the harassment of an insurance company adjuster and will work to make sure you get every dollar you deserve. Contact us online or call (866) 931-2115 to schedule a free consultation.

In the meantime, here’s some information to help guide you on how to deal with a semi-truck insurance company following an accident.

What to do

You should speak with an attorney as soon as possible. A lawyer can take the hassle of dealing with the insurer completely off of your plate. If the insurer still tries to call you, simply refer them to your lawyer. Contact your insurance company, too, as they can help provide you with some assistance while your claim is pending with the trucking company’s insurer.

The only information you should share with the semi-truck insurance company is your name and contact information, that of your personal injury attorney, and your insurance information. That’s really it.

Keep track of every semi-truck insurance company’s attempt to get in touch with you. This means writing down every phone call and keeping every email and letter. This could come in handy if your case goes to trial. If the insurer continued to harass you even though you directed them to call your lawyer, a jury may be more inclined to decide in your favor.

What not to do

It’s really important that you know some of the pitfalls that have trapped unsuspecting truck accident victims regarding insurance companies. If an adjuster calls, be polite and calm – even if you feel otherwise. The insurer is going to use whatever you say against you, so be extremely careful regarding your choice of words.

Here are a few other things to avoid when the insurer gets in touch.

Never admit even the slightest amount of blame

Even if you think you might have been partially responsible for the accident, don’t say anything to that effect. Your best course of action will be to not answer any questions unless you have an attorney by your side.

Don’t reveal any details about the accident, including injuries

Don’t discuss the accident with anyone except your lawyer. If the semi-truck insurance company asks questions, just tell them you don’t feel comfortable speaking with them without your lawyer.

Don’t agree to have your statement recorded

The adjuster will likely want to record your conversation. Agreeing to this will be a big mistake. Again, the insurer is going to use everything you say against you, and try to deny the compensation you deserve. Adjusters are notorious for asking misleading questions designed to get an injury victim to admit fault. When they’re successful, they can ruin that victim’s case.

Let us protect you

When you work with the St. Louis truck accident lawyers with Langdon & Emison, you won’t have to deal with hassle from the semi-truck insurance company. We’ll take care of all correspondence so you can focus on recovering physically and emotionally. Please don’t hesitate to use our online contact form or call (866) 931-2115 for a free review of your case.

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