July 10, 2023

Two Service Members’ Groups Endorse Our Camp Lejeune Work

We take our responsibility to represent veterans and their families very seriously. We are honored to work with the law firm Bergmann & Moore, which has led to the endorsement and support of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), two major service groups, as we continue assessing and filing Camp Lejeune-related claims. The VFW is the largest and oldest war veterans’ organization in the country, with over 1.5 million members, while the VVA is dedicated to Vietnam-era veterans and their families and has over 89,000 members. We’re proud to represent our service men and women and receive these endorsements.

Exciting progress is happening in this critical litigation. More and more people are filing administrative claims with the Navy, with estimates surpassing 60,000 as of June 1. However, the Navy is struggling to keep up with the volume of claims, so many are being pushed into the court system. This means law firms nationwide are preparing to file thousands of lawsuits in the Eastern District of North Carolina (EDNC). While this process is more complicated and expensive than filing an administrative claim, we are confident that the EDNC is ready to handle the influx of cases. Over a thousand cases have already been filed, with more to come.

Handling Camp Lejeune claims can be a complex and challenging process. However, with the right legal help and guidance, it is possible to navigate this difficult situation. It is important to remember that our team of dedicated lawyers understands the intricacies of this litigation and is committed to helping those impacted. By seeking legal assistance and working with an experienced team, you can take steps toward finding a resolution. Beasley Allen offers valuable resources, such as webinars, to educate and support lawyers looking to learn more about these cases. Contact us today to start the conversation.

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