The Power of Asking for Help
By Neal Goldstein
I’m grateful to be part of the Lawyer Stories community. Through numerous events, I’ve had the privilege of meeting incredible people—especially young lawyers at the start of their careers. These conversations have been some of the most rewarding moments for me, but they’ve also highlighted a common theme: frustration.
Many young lawyers feel stuck—uncertain about their next steps, frustrated with their current situation, or struggling to build the career they envisioned. This made me reflect on something that has been invaluable in my own journey: the power of asking for help.
It’s a lesson I learned early in life, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. If not for the social worker who guided me after I dropped out of high school—the first adult who truly invested in me—who knows where I’d be? If not for the relationships I built through B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, or the friendships I formed in college and law school, my career and life would look very different.
This is the heart of what I wrote about in Who’s in the Waiting Room?—the power of authentic relationships, both personal and professional.
Whether you’re a young lawyer seeking guidance, an entrepreneur navigating business challenges, or someone searching for direction, remember this: asking for help is not a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength.
Almost always, when you reach out, people will either offer their help or connect you with someone who can. When you embrace this truth, two powerful things happen:
You build confidence. It takes courage to admit, I don’t have all the answers, and that’s okay.
You demonstrate a willingness to learn. This mindset will serve you for a lifetime.
Even after decades in law, I still ask for help. I still learn from those younger than me and those with different experiences—because no one knows it all.
So here’s my challenge to you: have an honest conversation with yourself. Where do you need help? What’s holding you back? Then, take action. Make the call. Send the message. Ask for help.
There are so many incredible people in this community who are willing to offer guidance. Whether it’s someone on this platform, a mentor in your field, or even me—just ask. If you’re not sure where to start, I’m always happy to connect.
Let’s have a conversation: @nealagoldsteinlaw
Schedule a virtual coffee with me. You never know where one conversation could lead.
The post The Power of Asking for Help appeared first on Lawyer Stories.