September 5, 2023

Street Grace and Frontline Response

We at Beasley Allen are committed to “helping those who need it most,” whether through traditional legal services, pro bono work or volunteering.

We proudly provide services to faith-driven organizations like Street Grace and Frontline Response.

Street Grace collaborates with business and community leaders to provide a pathway to end the sexual exploitation of minors. Through community resources like our attorneys, they work to create a web of protection and advocacy, giving communities the power to stand up, speak out and take action.

Frontline Response works to help individuals out of sex trafficking and homelessness while preventing others from becoming victims. Along with community outreach, they train first responders, hospitals and judges. The organization also advocates for legislative and policy changes that fight against sex trafficking.

In 2023, we provided pro-bono work focused on sex trafficking and criminal record expungement for both organizations.

“It brings me great joy that Beasley Allen can support both of these organizations,” said Beasley Allen pro bono coordinator and principal attorney Chad Cook. “Working with Street Grace and Frontline Response means extending our commitment to protecting the vulnerable. In this case, the future of our youth.”

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