February 5, 2023

Motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle accident fatalities on the rise

There is alarming news from a recent NHTSA study reporting that bicycle, motorcycle, and pedestrian accident fatalities are on the rise. This increase occurs despite a resolution from the Department of Transportation to reduce fatalities on our roadways. And despite the unprecedented funding from the DOT to assist in this initiative. According to the study, published in December 2022:

Fatality increases occurred

  • +8% among bicycle accidents
  • +5% among motorcycle
  • +2% among pedestrian

Auto fatalities decreased

There is some bright news from the study as auto fatalities fell for the first time in almost 2 years. During the height of the pandemic, roadway volume fell due to motorists staying home, and so did traffic fatalities. However, as traffic volume began to rise again post covid so did auto-related traffic fatalities. Fatalities have risen for seven consecutive quarters beginning 3rd quarter of 2020.

It now seems like the tide is turning. According to the study, auto traffic deaths declined slightly in the 2nd half of 2022. The study estimates that 31,785 people died as a result of auto crashes in the US in the first nine months of 2022. This is a .2% decrease over the same period in 2021.

ā€œFatalities have not increased for two quarters now, but we have far more work to do to save lives and address the crisis on our nationā€™s roadways. That means investing in safety, implementing strategies that work, and embracing the safe system approach outlined in the Departmentā€™s National Roadway Safety Strategy. We urge everyone to do their part by driving safely and watching out for others on the road, especially vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists,ā€ said NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson.

National Roadway Safety Strategy

In January 2022 the Department of Transportation announced their long-term ambitious goal of zero roadway fatalities. There is unprecedented funding from President Bidenā€™s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support this lofty goal. The actions of the department are guided by the National Roadway Safety Strategy, an outline of the approach the department is taking to reduce serious injuries and deaths on the roadway.

The full study released by the NHTSA can be viewed here.

With vast experience in complex motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle accident cases, our experienced accident injury attorneys will explore all viable, legal solutions to ensure you and your family receive the compensation and representation you deserve.

The post Motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle accident fatalities on the rise appeared first on Romano Law Group.

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