February 16, 2023

Meso Lawyer Digs Deep To Find More Asbestos-Exposing Culprits

Sometimes mesothelioma cases seem cut and dry. You know from your client’s history of working in the shipbuilding industry that he is a victim of massive occupational asbestos exposure. Shipyards were one of the job sites with some of the highest levels of asbestos exposure. It’s common knowledge that the industry frequently used asbestos-containing products. Lazier or less experienced mesothelioma attorneys would likely assume that they should focus all their attention on holding the shipyard or the manufacturers of the products accountable for his injury.

But Beasley Allen’s mesothelioma lawyer Charlie Stern and his team dug deeper when faced with an asbestos exposure case. During a standard exposure assessment with their client, they discovered their client had performed several “do-it-yourself” (DIY) home repair projects through the years, such as removing old sealants and caulking from window and door frames.

Many people perform DIY home repairs and remodeling jobs. But older homes pose asbestos exposure risks from products installed decades earlier. By now, most people know that products such as shingles, wall and attic insulation, and drywall previously contained asbestos. But so did sealants, caulks, and adhesives used to seal cracks around windows, door frames, baseboards, and molding. These products pose the same mesothelioma risk. And they likely contributed to Stern’s client’s mesothelioma diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a cumulative dose-response disease. That means every exposure matters to the eventual development of the disease. I explain it like cigarettes. We can’t identify a single cigarette that gives someone cancer. It is all the cigarettes over time that do it. The same goes with asbestos exposure.

Charlie Stern

Stern’s client was exposed to asbestos on the job at the shipyard. “But that doesn’t mean that the smaller, less consistent exposures from DIY repairs aren’t important, too,” Stern said. “By identifying these smaller exposures, Beasley Allen’s asbestos lawyers can identify all wrongdoers and hold them accountable under the law for their past wrongs.”

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