September 16, 2024

Is it Possible to Overturn a Wrongful Conviction in Wisconsin?

Milwaukee, WI criminal defense attorneyIf you have been convicted of a crime in Milwaukee, you may wonder if there is a way to challenge the court’s decision. The appeals process allows you to ask a higher court to review the case for legal errors that may have affected the outcome. It is important to know that an appeal is not a new trial. Instead, it focuses on whether mistakes were made during the original trial that led to an unfair conviction. A notice of appeal must be filed quickly after sentencing, usually within 20 days in Wisconsin. From there, the appellate court will review the trial’s record and determine if legal errors occurred that warrant reconsideration.

This process can be complex, so working with an attorney who has experience handling appeals is essential. A Milwaukee criminal appeals attorney can guide you through each step and ensure that your appeal is filed on time.

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