September 25, 2023

Famous Deaths Shed Light On Mesothelioma, Teaching Counsel To Dig Deep

When you think of asbestos exposure and the resulting disease mesothelioma, many think of blue-collar Americans because of its prominence in industry.

Asbestos has been linked to serious diseases by the medical profession since the late 1920s, which led to the development of workers’ compensation laws. By the 1970s, the fight became more public when those sickened by asbestos exposure and their loved ones began filing mesothelioma lawsuits. Cases continued to be filed through subsequent decades and into today.

More recently, however, famous Americans who have died from mesothelioma have spread additional light on the disease and its reach.

In 1980, at just 50, Steve McQueen passed away due to mesothelioma. On its surface, this seems surprising. How could a man, nicknamed the “King of Cool,” known for his iconic roles like The Thomas Crown Affair, Bullitt, Papillon, and The Great Escape, be exposed to asbestos and develop this disease? The answer comes from doing what lawyers at Beasley Allen do daily for our mesothelioma clients.

Looking back and examining McQueen’s life, we find he served for three years in the United States Marine Corps. (1947-1950). During his service, he was exposed to massive amounts of asbestos on Navy ships.

Deaths like McQueen’s raise awareness of mesothelioma and teach asbestos lawyers to dig deep and look for all possible exposures that may not be initially evident. At Beasley Allen, this research is a fundamental aspect of our practice.

If you have questions or want to learn more about our work on cases involving asbestos exposure or mesothelioma, visit our website,

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