June 11, 2021

Can I Sue if My Car is Damaged by Road Conditions or Construction?

It’s no secret that the Los Angeles area’s heavily traversed roads are riddled with potholes and other irregularities. Many residents notice a decrease in the lifespan of their tires once they move here.

These conditions are especially dangerous for cyclists and motorcyclists, as their small vehicles are easily thrown off balance by bumpy and dipped terrain.

A rough encounter with a particular street may leave you wondering, can I sue the city for the damage caused to my car by improperly maintained roads? Property injury lawyers in Newport Beach will tell you the answer is yes! You can sue the city of Los Angeles if poorly maintained roads damage your car.

Who will be the focus of your lawsuit? Road maintenance is the duty of the city, county, or state, but you will need to sue city hall. You can sue city hall because of their failure to maintain a reasonably safe road. Because they failed to make the road safe for your car, they are liable for the damage.

Your personal injury attorney in Newport Beach will have to go about this injury claim differently than if your car’s damages were caused by an accident. While state and federal tort claims acts may provide for lawsuits against government entities, you have to file a “notice of claim” with Los Angeles city hall. Your property damage claim will be subject to different statutes of limitation. You should act as quickly as possible if your car is damaged by faulty road conditions.

Just like any car accident claim, you need to provide evidence of your claim. You should take photos of the damage to your car. You should also take photos of the road area where the accident happened.

Don’t wait for your claim to be filed before you hire a mechanic to fix the damages. Instead, you should have your car fixed. Keep the bills from the mechanic to include in your claim.

If a construction crew was actively working on the road and their equipment was what damaged your car, then you should sue the construction company. While the state was not negligent because they were attempting to fix the road, the construction company may have been negligent in creating a safe work area.

An experienced car crash attorney in Newport Beach may be able to help file your claim against the government. Call our office to schedule a free consultation.

The post Can I Sue if My Car is Damaged by Road Conditions or Construction? first appeared on Accident Lawyers Firm.

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