April 17, 2024

Bradenton Car Accident Lawyer On Recovering From Whiplash After An Accident On Cortez Rd

You’re driving down Cortez Rd in Bradenton, heading west towards the beach. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you’re rear-ended at the intersection of Cortez and 51st Ave. Your head jerks back, your body lurches forward. Before you can even process what just happened, you feel a sharp pain in your neck. This is whiplash, and it’s no joke. If you’ve been injured in an accident in Bradenton, whether it’s on Cortez, Manatee Ave, or anywhere else, you need to understand your rights when it comes to whiplash claims.

Whiplash Injuries From Car Accidents on Cortez Rd in Bradenton

Whiplash is one of the most common hidden injuries from accidents on Cortez Rd. If you’re rear-ended at intersections like Cortez Rd and 119th St W or Cortez Rd and 51st Ave W, the sudden jolt can whip your neck back and forth. This causes strain to the soft tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Whiplash symptoms may not appear until hours or days later. Neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and arm numbness are common. See a doctor right away, even if you feel fine.

Getting a medical evaluation quickly is key. Cuts and bruises heal, but whiplash could cause chronic pain. Local clinics like Manatee Memorial Hospital or Blake Medical Center have doctors trained to diagnose whiplash using imaging tests.
Treatments like physical therapy, chiropractic care, medications, and sometimes surgery can help you recover. A personal injury lawyer can make sure the at-fault driver’s insurance pays your medical bills and lost wages.
Don’t assume you escaped unharmed if you were in an accident on Cortez Rd. Whiplash is sneaky. Take action quickly to get treatment and protect your rights. With the right help, you can recover and get back to your normal routine.

Common Causes of Accidents at the Cortez Rd & 53rd Ave Intersection

Cortez Rd and 53rd Ave is one of the busiest intersections in Bradenton and it sees more than its fair share of collisions. Let’s look at some of the common causes of crashes here that can result in whiplash injuries:

Running red lights or stop signs – Drivers in a hurry often blast through reds without stopping or roll through stop signs. This leads to dangerous t-bone crashes with vehicles crossing the intersection legally.

Failure to yield when turning – Making unprotected left turns in front of oncoming traffic is an easy way to get slammed into at this busy crossing. Right turns without properly yielding also frequently cause sideswipe accidents.

Distracted driving – Eating, texting, or otherwise not paying attention while approaching this major junction leads to rear-enders as well as vehicles drifting into other lanes.

Speeding – Excess speed gives drivers less reaction time to avoid collisions and increases the force of impact, worsening whiplash. The posted limits are 35 mph on Cortez and 40 mph on 53rd Ave.

Intoxicated driving – DUI is far too common and impairs drivers’ abilities to safely navigate intersections. This one is 100% preventable by getting a ride or cab.

By being alert, driving sober, and obeying all traffic signals and signs, we can help make Cortez & 53rd a much safer place. But if an accident still occurs, contact our experienced Bradenton injury attorneys right away to protect your rights.

Seeking Medical Treatment After a Rear-End Collision on Cortez

Getting checked out by a local doctor after any car accident is crucial, but especially so following a rear-end collision. Even if you feel fine immediately after, injuries like whiplash can take hours or days to fully manifest. The force of impact can cause damage to muscles, ligaments, disks and nerves in your neck and back.
Schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or visit an urgent care clinic right away after an accident on Cortez Rd or nearby roads. Explain you were in a rear-end collision.

Be completely honest about all symptoms you’re experiencing, even mild ones. Pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness can signal an injury.

Your doctor may order imaging tests like x-rays or an MRI to check for disk bulges or other damage that may not be obvious.

Treatments like prescription medication, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments can help manage pain and inflammation and restore normal mobility.

Don’t downplay what happened or try to “tough it out” if you start having symptoms later. Getting proper treatment right away leads to the best recovery after a rear-end accident.

Hiring a Bradenton Car Accident Lawyer if You’re Hit at Cortez & 75th St

Don’t try to handle an injury claim alone after a crash at this busy intersection. An experienced Bradenton car accident lawyer can help protect your rights and pursue maximum compensation.

Consult an attorney as soon as possible after the accident. They can start gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and negotiating with insurance adjusters on your behalf.

A lawyer knows how to calculate the full value of your claim based on medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering. They’ll fight to get you a fair settlement.

Car accident lawyers work on contingency, meaning no fees unless they win your case. Look for a reputable firm like Goldman, Babboni, Fernandez, Murphy & Walsh with a proven record of sucess in car accident cases in Bradenton.

Don’t wait to hire a lawyer. The insurance company wants to settle quickly before you realize the full extent of your injuries. A skilled attorney levels the playing field.

Be wary of quick settlement offers from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Talk to an attorney first to understand all your options.

With an experienced Bradenton accident attorney on your side, you can focus on recovery while they handle the legal process – and get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

What to Do After a Side-Impact Crash on Cortez Road in Bradenton

If you’ve been in an accident on Cortez Road, especially one involving a T-bone or side impact collision, you may be at risk for whiplash and other injuries. Here are some tips on what to do after a crash:

Move to a safe location if possible and call 911 to report the accident. Provide exact location details like the closest intersection or landmarks.

Do not exit your vehicle until help arrives if you don’t feel it’s safe. Wait for police to arrive and document the scene.

Take photos of damage to vehicles, skid marks, debris, and injuries if you are able to. This creates a record of the scene.

Seek medical attention even if you feel fine initially. Symptoms of whiplash may not appear for hours or days. Go to the ER or set up an urgent care appointment.

Get contact info and insurance details from other drivers involved. You’ll need this when filing a claim.

Contact a personal injury attorney as soon as feasible. They can handle the claims process for you while you focus on recovery. Document everything.

Follow up with your primary care doctor in the days after the crash. Whiplash symptoms like neck stiffness, headaches, and back pain may worsen over time.

Consider physical therapy if you have reduced mobility or other lingering issues. A PT can help restore function.

Don’t try to handle a complex car accident claim alone. An experienced Bradenton car accident lawyer can protect your rights and make sure you receive full compensation.

Contact the law firm of Goldman, Babboni, Fernandez. Murphy & Walsh in Bradenton, Florida. 

If you were injured in a car accident on Cortez Rd or another major road in Bradenton, call the experienced attorneys at Goldman Babboni Fernandez Murphy & Walsh. With over 100 years of combined legal experience, they have a proven track record helping injury victims in Manatee County and across Florida.

The lawyers at Goldman Babboni Fernandez Murphy & Walsh will aggressively pursue maximum compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering.

They will investigate every aspect of your auto accident to build the strongest case possible. Their goal is to get you a favorable settlement or jury verdict.
You pay nothing upfront. The firm works on a contingency fee basis – you only pay if they win your case.

Initial consultations are free. Call 941-954-1234 to schedule a meeting with an attorney at one of their convenient Bradenton area locations.

Don’t delay in seeking experienced legal help after an auto collision. The dedicated Bradenton car accident lawyers at Goldman Babboni Fernandez Murphy & Walsh are ready to start helping you today.

Whiplash is serious, and if you’ve been in an accident on Cortez Rd or elsewhere in Bradenton, you deserve compensation. Don’t wait to call a lawyer – the sooner you get checked out and start the claims process, the better. With the right Bradenton car accident attorney from Goldman, Babboni, Fernandez, Murphy & Walsh by your side, you can make sure the insurance company doesn’t try to downplay your injuries. Taking action quickly is key. You and your health matter, and an experienced lawyer will fight to get you maximum compensation.

The post Bradenton Car Accident Lawyer On Recovering From Whiplash After An Accident On Cortez Rd appeared first on Justice Pays.

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