Author: Tyroler Leonard Injury Law

December 27, 2023

Dangers of Side-Impact Car Accidents

When you suffer injuries in a dangerous side-impact car accident, you could end up with far more serious injuries than may occur in other types of crashes. Commonly, the dangers of side-impact car accidents become heightened because they frequently occur at intersections where both cars are moving. This generates additional …

December 19, 2023

Does Health Insurance Cover Car Accidents?

When you need medical care after suffering injuries in a car accident, the process of paying the medical costs can be a little confusing, depending on which party is at fault for the crash. Ultimately, though, the initial payments for your medical care should come from your own health insurance. …

December 19, 2023

Determining Liability in Multiple-Car Collisions

Determining liability in multiple-car collisions can be a challenging process. Investigators must consider the eyewitness testimony of several people, as well as the projected path of each vehicle involved. Such investigations are important because they help to determine fault, which affects the ability of injured victims to seek compensation. Although …

December 19, 2023

Proving Fault in Slip-and-Fall Accidents

AĀ slip-and-fallĀ accidentĀ can happen just about anywhere and at any time. The victim may suffer serious injuries as a result of theĀ negligenceĀ of another person. According to the World Health Organization, 37.3 million people across the globe are hospitalized yearly due to aĀ fallĀ injury. These people most commonly experience severe bodily harm in the …

December 19, 2023

Understanding Insurance Settlements

Most people donā€™t give much thought to how insurance policies work until they find themselves needing to be compensated by one. It is only when you are in pain and staring at a mountain of medical bills that this information becomes important. That is also when you learn that dealing …

December 19, 2023

Dangers of Truck Driver Fatigue

The dangers of truck driver fatigue can include the driverā€™s losing control, failing to notice stop signs or stop lights, drifting out of a lane, or not reacting to a hazard ahead in time to stop or avoid it. Any of these issues could lead to a devastating crash with …

December 19, 2023

Types of Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle accidents can have tragic consequences and cause fatal and permanently disabling injuries. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable in an accident since they do not have the protection of an enclosed vehicle. TheĀ National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationĀ (NHTSA) recognizes this and recommends that cyclists wear the appropriate gear, such as helmets and …

September 15, 2023

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Minnesota?

If a truck hit you and caused injuries in an accident that was not your fault, you may have made a decision to pursue a personal injury claim. However, you may not be sure how to proceed beyond making this decision. You may not know how to start to file …

September 15, 2023

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Minnesota?

If a truck hit you and caused injuries in an accident that was not your fault, you may have made a decision to pursue a personal injury claim. However, you may not be sure how to proceed beyond making this decision. You may not know how to start to file …

September 15, 2023

What Happens if a Pedestrian Gets Hit While Jaywalking in Minnesota?

Jaywalking is a dangerous practice. While pedestrians may think they can get away with crossing the street outside a crosswalk, they may be liable for the consequences if a vehicle hits them. Unfortunately, in Minnesota, jaywalking can be considered an offense, and those who are caught jaywalking can face fines …

September 15, 2023

What Happens if a Pedestrian Gets Hit While Jaywalking in Minnesota?

Jaywalking is a dangerous practice. While pedestrians may think they can get away with crossing the street outside a crosswalk, they may be liable for the consequences if a vehicle hits them. Unfortunately, in Minnesota, jaywalking can be considered an offense, and those who are caught jaywalking can face fines …

June 6, 2023

What to Do If Your Motorcycle is hit by a Car from Behind in Minnesota

Getting rear-ended while on your motorcycle can cause severe injuries and property damage. The car that hit you isnā€™t always at fault, and you should know what to do if your motorcycle is hit by a car from behind in Minnesota. The steps you take following your accident can greatly …

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