Author: Administrator

June 23, 2023

What Factors Will Affect Spousal Support in a Wisconsin Divorce?

By Attorney Megan Drury The divorce process can be difficult regardless of the reasons why a marriage is ending, the level of conflict between the spouses, or the complexity of the issues that will need to be addressed. Moreover, there are some situations where a spouse may be uncertain how they …

June 19, 2023

Can Employers Include Restrictive Covenants in Severance Agreements?

By Attorney Jaclyn Kallie Employment relationships can sometimes end in less-than-ideal circumstances, such as downsizing, layoffs, the elimination of a position due to company restructuring, or the termination of an employee for other reasons. When these relationships come to an end, an employer may offer an employee a severance agreement, …

June 16, 2023

When Is Fiduciary Litigation Necessary in Probate Cases?

By: Attorney John McNally and Law Clerk Nancy Cattani Death is an inevitable part of life, but dealing with the aftermath of a person’s death can be a challenging and emotional experience for their loved ones. When a person passes away, their estate will typically pass through probate court to ensure …

June 14, 2023

When Can Theft Charges Be Elevated to Robbery in Wisconsin?

By: Attorney Adam Schleis and Law Clerk Nancy Cattani For those who are facing criminal charges, it is important to understand the distinction between different types of property crimes. These cases involve accusations of taking another’s property without permission..Criminal charges for theft can range from a Class A misdemeanor to …

June 12, 2023

Who Can Be Held Liable for Losses in a Building Collapse?

By: Attorney Chris Strohbehn and Law Clerk Nancy Cattani Few things are more terrifying than the idea of being inside a building that collapses. People in this situation may be injured by falling rubble or could be pinned under debris, such as collapsed walls and ceilings. Collapses of large, multi-story …

May 31, 2023

Will Multiple OWI Arrests Result in Felony Charges in Wisconsin?

By: Attorney Jorge Fragoso Drinking and driving is a dangerous act, and in Wisconsin, it can result in severe consequences. Those who operate motor vehicles after drinking alcohol or using drugs could potentially be pulled over and arrested, and they may be charged with the offense of Operating While Intoxicated …

May 25, 2023

5 Types of Injuries That Can Occur in Wisconsin Boat Accidents

During the warm summer months, boating is a popular activity for many Wisconsinites. However, like many other recreational activities, boating comes with some risks. There are a variety of boat accidents that can occur due to issues such as negligent operation or equipment failure, and these accidents can lead to …

May 22, 2023

Let There Be Light: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Addresses Property Taxes for Big Box Stores

By: GRGB Partners Christopher Strohbehn and Russell Karnes In a recent decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court related to property taxes for large stores, the Court stated “[w]e do not read the Manual to strictly prohibit the use of vacant properties as comparable to occupied properties. The language of ‘should …

May 22, 2023

6 Asset Categories to Address in a High Net Worth Divorce

 By: Attorney Max Stephenson and Paralegal Ali Jaeger Getting a divorce can be a complicated and overwhelming process, and it will require you to address numerous financial issues and practical concerns, while also dealing with conflict with your spouse and emotional issues related to the end of your marriage. However, …

May 16, 2023

Law Firm “Audits”

Q. As if I don’t have enough to do, my insurance agent thinks I should get a “risk management audit” of my law firm. Is this really necessary? A. It’s not necessary at …

May 10, 2023

When Can a Person Be Charged With Human Trafficking in Wisconsin?

By: Attorney Nicole Masnica  Human trafficking is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe legal consequences in the state of Wisconsin. The state’s laws on human trafficking cover a wide range of activities related to transporting or harboring people to perform labor or engage in commercial sex acts. A …

May 5, 2023

Judging Judges

How far will justices of the Supreme Court of Maryland go to protect their colleagues from the criticism of lawyers appearing before them? Scenario: Disturbed by a judicial ruling that trampled upon his client’s Sixth Amendment right …

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