Author: Administrator

August 28, 2023

How Can I Support a Maui Wildfire Survivor?

A lot of people affected by the Maui Fires can use help right now, and they will continue to need assistance for a long time. If you were not directly affected by the Fires, you might help those that were affected along their journey to recovery.  For those affected by …

August 25, 2023

What Are the Penalties for Auto Theft in Wisconsin?

Auto theft is a criminal offense that involves illegally taking or operating someone else’s vehicle without their consent. In the state of Wisconsin, auto theft is usually charged as a felony offense, and it can lead to serious penalties for those who are convicted of this crime. If you or …

August 23, 2023

Will Spousal Support Be a Factor in My High Net Worth Divorce?

During the divorce process, there are numerous complex issues that will need to be addressed. While this is true in any divorce, the financial matters that will need to be addressed in a high net worth divorce can be especially complicated and challenging to resolve. Spousal support is one of …

August 18, 2023

What Are the Steps Followed During Civil Litigation in Wisconsin?

Civil litigation refers to the legal process followed by individuals or entities to resolve disputes through the court system. It can involve a wide range of issues, such as contract disputes, personal injury claims, property disputes, and more. If you find yourself involved in a legal dispute, understanding the steps …

August 7, 2023

When Can Assault and Battery Lead to Felony Charges in Wisconsin?

In the state of Wisconsin, assault and battery offenses are taken very seriously. Depending on the circumstances of an alleged offense, an individual may face misdemeanor or felony charges. Felonies carry more severe consequences, including longer prison sentences and higher fines. If you are facing assault and battery charges in …

August 1, 2023

What Issues Can a Prenuptial Agreement Address in Wisconsin?

A prenuptial agreement, also known as a “prenup” or a marital property agreement, is a legal contract that a couple agrees to before they get married. This type of agreement may address the division of assets and debts or other financial matters in the event of a divorce or separation. …

July 24, 2023

Wisconsin Supreme Court Addresses Reckless and Intentional Conduct in Insurance Disputes

By By Chris Strohbehn There are a variety of situations where disputes about insurance coverage may arise, including cases involving injuries that occurred because of a person’s actions. In these situations, insurance companies may deny claims for numerous reasons, claiming that exceptions to coverage apply or that injuries were not accidental. …

July 18, 2023

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against Illegal Property Taxes

By Attorney Chris Strohbehn For individuals and businesses throughout the state of Wisconsin, property taxes can be a serious issue. The requirement to pay these taxes can place a significant financial burden on property owners, especially when taxes are increased significantly or when other related fees are imposed. In some …

July 18, 2023

Who Can Be Charged With Money Laundering in Wisconsin?

By Attorney Jason Luczak Money laundering is a serious criminal offense. While it is generally classified as a white collar crime that involves financial activities, it is often related to other types of offenses, such as drug trafficking. Because of this, those who are suspected of money laundering are likely …

July 6, 2023

How Can Employers and Employees Address Disability Discrimination?

By Attorney Jaclyn Kallie In Wisconsin, there are a variety of state and federal laws in place to ensure that people with disabilities do not face discrimination in the workplace. Employers have a responsibility to provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities, and employees should make sure they know their …

June 27, 2023

A Chat with GPT

Q. Is it ethical for lawyers to use artificial intelligence to write briefs, draft legal instruments or provide other services? GPT: While there isn’t a clear-cut answer, it’s not inherently unethical for an attorney to use artificial …

June 26, 2023

Inhuman Error

Q. To err may be human, but is it a bigger mistake for lawyers to rely on artificial intelligence? A. Not according to my know-it-all friend, who thinks artificial intelligence is far superior to …

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