Author: Administrator

October 27, 2024

How is Vehicular Homicide Prosecuted in Wisconsin?

In the event of a tragic accident involving someone’s death, there is a possibility, depending on the circumstances, that the driver may face a charge of vehicular homicide. In Wisconsin, this charge can arise in a situation where the driver caused either the death of another human being or unborn …

October 23, 2024

When May Child Support Payment Obligations End in Wisconsin?

As part of a divorce, legal separation, or paternity proceeding involving children, the court will determine the amount of child support a parent owes. Generally, after a court has entered an order for child support, the party paying child support must continue doing so according to the terms of the …

October 15, 2024

Legal Separation Versus Divorce in Wisconsin

Wisconsin offers two legal options to end your relationship with your spouse: legal separation or divorce. Both methods provide a legal means to deal with custody, the financial relationship between the parties, and child support. However, couples who choose to go through a legal separation remain married. There are some …

October 8, 2024

Can You Sue a Police Officer for Using Excessive Force? 

Most people know that when you get injured in a car accident that is caused by someone else’s negligence, you can pursue compensation from the responsible person or an insurance company. Likewise, if someone breaks into your house, kills your spouse, and steals your property, you can pursue a claim …

October 3, 2024

How May a Wisconsin Corporation Make Changes to its Bylaws?

Corporate bylaws govern a Wisconsin corporation’s internal operations. They are generally drafted by an attorney before a company’s initial incorporation. While a company’s articles of incorporation are filed with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (FDI), the bylaws are an internal legal document governing important aspects of how the company …

September 30, 2024

Can Nurses Lose Their License For Coming to Work Drunk? | WI

A nurse can lose his license for being drunk or under the influence of drugs while on the job. Nursing boards take substance use at work very seriously because it jeopardizes patient safety and undermines the integrity of the profession. Coming to work impaired is seen as a violation of …

September 26, 2024

Commercial Lease Disputes For Milwaukee Businesses

Leasing commercial space is one of the most important aspects of running a business. However, when disputes arise between landlords and tenants, the conflict can disrupt operations, hurt relationships, and lead to expensive legal battles. Whether you are a landlord dealing with tenant nonpayment issues or a tenant dealing with …

September 23, 2024

Do I Need a Business License to Operate in Milwaukee?

Many businesses in Milwaukee are required to obtain a business license before they can legally operate. Whether you are starting a restaurant, retail store, or professional service firm, a license is often necessary to ensure your business complies with local regulations. Even home-based businesses or online operations may need certain …

September 16, 2024

Is it Possible to Overturn a Wrongful Conviction in Wisconsin?

If you have been convicted of a crime in Milwaukee, you may wonder if there is a way to challenge the court’s decision. The appeals process allows you to ask a higher court to review the case for legal errors that may have affected the outcome. It is important to …

September 11, 2024

Are Wisconsin Noncompete Contracts Legal in 2024?

Noncompete agreements are contracts between employers and employees that restrict the employee’s ability to work for a competing business or start a competing company for a certain period of time after their employment ends. These agreements can help protect a business’s trade secrets, customer relationships, and other confidential information. However, …

September 9, 2024

Maui Fire Renters: What Do I Do About my Damages? 

 Renters harmed by the Maui Fires may find themselves feeling left behind. While homeowners have the ability to file real property claims with their insurance, renters who lost everything in a fire may feel they have nothing. However, Maui Fire renters do have recourse. They can bring claims against Hawaiian …

September 4, 2024

Will I Go to Jail for Accidentally Starting a Wildfire? | WI

Wildfire season in Wisconsin is drawing to a close. The season started off with more fires than usual after a particularly warm winter and, as of today, nearly 900 wildfires have burned throughout the state. Some fires are inevitable and can even be used to manage growth in a way …

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