December 29, 2024

Can You Be Charged with Conspiracy Without Committing a Crime? 

Milwaukee, WI criminal defense lawyerThe crime of conspiracy is unusual given the fact that, even if you do not technically commit another crime, you can be charged with conspiracy to commit a crime if you start planning the crime and meet other elements of the criminal offense. That is because the crime of conspiracy is its own separate crime – for example, you could be charged with conspiracy to engage in price fixing, even if you were not charged with the crime of price fixing itself.

Federal law imposes criminal liability on conspiracy to commit certain white-collar crimes that are perpetrated in a business context. If you have been charged with the crime of conspiracy, you could face serious criminal penalties and reputational consequences. For this reason, it is important to consult with an experienced Milwaukee criminal law attorney who understands this complex area of law and knows how to build a strong defense.

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