April 2, 2024

3 Examples of How Child Support May Be Calculated in Wisconsin

Milwaukee, WI child support lawyerFor parents who are involved in family law cases, child support is likely to be a crucial issue that will need to be addressed. Child support ensures that childrenā€™s ongoing needs will be met. Payments made by one parent to the other may be used to cover regular expenses, including food and clothing, as well as housing expenses such as rent and utilities. Additional expenses may also be addressed, such as those related to education, activities, medical care, and childcare that will allow a parent to maintain employment.

Understanding the various factors that may affect child support is not always easy, and the assistance of an experienced attorney will often be necessary to ensure that the amount of payments will be calculated correctly. While Wisconsin law provides a fairly simple method of calculating child support based on a percentage of the paying parentā€™s income, there are many situations where additional calculations may be necessary.

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