The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has secured a $2.57 Million policy limit settlement in a catastrophic injury auto crash case.
19-year-old Adrian De la Rosa suffered catastrophic injuries on March 11, 2023, as a result of this single-car accident. Liability was clear and there was no plausible liability defense. Christopher Baier was the permissive driver of a Tesla owned by the Roche family on the night of the accident. He was driving at a ridiculous rate of speed and lost control when he failed to navigate the traffic circle located on Ave Maria Boulevard in Collier County, Florida. As a result of the crash, Adrian De la Rosa was rendered a paraplegic.

Adrian suffered an L2 fracture with severe cauda equina compression. Adrian immediately lost sensation to his lower extremities. Adrian underwent a T12 to L4 instrumented fusion and laminectomy at L1-3. After his initial hospitalization, Adrian was transferred to the rehabilitation unit and was finally discharged on April 20, 2023… more than a month after he was hospitalized.

Adrian has a long, complex, and costly future due to his injuries. He will require extensive medical care for the remainder of his life. Presently, Adrian continues his rehabilitation three times per week. With the help of his family, he will continue to fight in his attempt to live as independent a life as possible.

The Haggard Law Firm has successfully litigated some of the most complex and catastrophic car crash cases for more than 30 years. Haggard Law trial attorneys understand how to develop and execute effective litigation strategies in these complicated and tragic cases.
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